Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More help please!

Boy, am I needly lately! From help with makeup to now a question regarding hardwood floors - what's the best way to clean them? I'm hoping to avoid the on-my-knees way!!


  1. Sorry can't help hardwood floors in my house. I have a friend and she does get on her hands and knees to do hers. I know she also uses a mop too.

  2. When my mom had her hardwood floors redone, she was told to only use warm water. That's it, nothing else. I have done them twice for her, but unfortunately had to do them on my hands and knees. She uses a dust mop every evening on them though.

  3. Girl to do it right you must do some hands and knees. Hubby is a general contractor...he won't let me use anything but warm water and murphys oil soap. NEVER leave standing water on hardwood. I am used to it and prefer it to carpet. Good luck!
