Sunday, April 18, 2010

Maybe, Maybe Not . . .

I may or may not have gone to a jewelry party Friday night at my neighbor's house.

I may or may not have drank an entire bottle of white wine by myself at this jewelry party.

I may or may not have spent way too much money on jewelry at this jewelry party because I was drunk as a skunk!!

I may or may not have provided comic entertainment to hubby when I got home from this jewelry party.

I may or may not have woken up Saturday morning moving a little slower than normal.


  1. I may or may not have made some lemondade and sweet tea vodka drinks for my house guest last night and woken up this morning still wearing my clothes AND flip flops from yesterday. Sweet tea vodka is the DEVIL. I'm just saying. LOL!

  2. Hmmm...something tells me alcohol may be a good sales technique! I'm a lightweight, so I'd be right there with you!

  3. It sounds like a lot of fun. :)

  4. UGH! I've been there girl! How is it that the bottle always winds up empty when you only had two glasses? ;-)

    Hope you have a great week.

  5. OMG- just reading that made me woozie - ha! White wine just does me in (so does gin + tonic after a little too much last summer). I always think it's an advantage to anyone who sells at home parties because, invariably, there are drinks which aide in spending. :o) Hope you're recovered by now.

  6. And the first thing you said to yourself when you woke up was....never again no way. Well not until the next party anyway.

  7. And I may or may not have done something similar with Bloody Marys a week ago. Too funny!

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  9. Hilarious! At least you were at your neighbors...just walk on home. :)
